Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Little Rant

Well, I guess it is a bit of my easy going nature, but on the Yahoo news post they had a small article about how people paying for gas are taking it out on the station clerks. Reading the article one of the station owners said that it was about 1 % of the customers that got mad at the clerks.
This article cheezed me off a bit, I mean through all these soring prices it is not like these clerks are getting a raise everytime the price skyrockets!! I mean shouldn't these people have more common sense to where their dollar is going?? Up here in Calgary, they have a little sticker on the pump, which explains where your dollar goes, here it is taxes (as usual). I must say that moving closer to Roanna's job has helped, since it shaves off filling up the car by a few more days.
Hopefully people can come to thier senses and not take out thier frustrations on a gas station clerk, who honestly is probaly make as much or less than you. Any hoo, take it out on the big companies. Next year we will probably read how BigGasCo ONLY made a profit of 1.2 billion last year due to high oil prices!! GIVE ME A BREAK!

Anyhoo, just a bit of a beef of the chest now!!


Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Tuesday Evening

Okay, maybe it was just a bad start to the day this morning. At 12 I help the neighbours unload thier van at their new home. Back to the Apt to load up the rest of the stuff, then back to unload. They had some of thier friends load up thier van last night, due to possession and having to turn over the current apt they have almost no time in between. So for them it is going to be a very busy week...
I am now just sitting on the porch relaxing, and obviously typing up on the blog. Tomorrow, I think I may take the car, so I can get rid of the recyclables that are sitting around the house. I also need to tidy up the outside storage a bit better.
Work yesterday went well, I ended up shifted into a different department for the day called Hardlines, mostly office equipment stuff, kitchen stuff, and tools and construction stuff. So it was pretty quiet and not as hectic as my Seasonal department, who knows maybe I will be there for a bit longer. Some people have already left it seems, but maybe they will come back..... who knows.... I'm still there, and the job is serving it's purpose. Though I think the goal for this month is to get the guide book read, and take my drivers test. That should open up a few more options for the near future?

Any hoo, everyone take care



Friday the 13th???

I have to check my calender, so far with in 2 1/2 hours silly little things have been happening to me.

First I get up and realise that I left the little scooper in the litter box last night. I guess the cats took sympathy on me and just "went" around it.
Then as I empty the litter from the litter box into my little baggie sealer litter holder, I ended up dumping the "leavings" into the scoop holder, not the actual hole that leads into the bag.
Then I have to empty the bag, so I take the vacume dirt collector with me down to the trash bin, it has a neat, one button push and it bottom pops open and all the dirt falls out. Will I am smacking the top of this dirt collector to get out all the cat hairs that stick to the top of the container, and the bottom of the container pops off it's hinges into the trash container (one of those big ones the trucks pick up). So I have to jump into the container to get it out!!
Now, I just pulled out my first load of laundy to find my 5 tickets worth of bus/train passes spread all over my clothes. I left them in my pocket from last Saturday. 10 bucks worth of tickets gone!!!
At noon I am gonna help my nieghbours move into thier new home for a bit, I think I will be extra carefull, I am probably gonna drop a box of knives on my foot or something.
Think I better get out my lucky rabbits foot....... well lucky for me anyway. (For all the animal lovers out there, NO I really don't have a lucky rabbits foot!)
Ah, well, think I'm gonna climb into bed for a bit and read.

Take Care

Monday, May 29, 2006


Monday Night

Hi all,
Been a long weekend, my Mom went back on Saturday, and made it back to Bermuda. Two weeks went by so quickly, unfortunately the last few days of here being here was a bit wet, but not to much. This week is supposed to get back into warmer weather by Friday.
Sunday was a nice lay in day, tidying and relaxing.
Everyone take care


Thursday, May 25, 2006


Rain, Rain and ..... more rain

Well that is the next three day forecast for Calgary, at least it is a bit cooler. Some excitement when I got home, they had a helicopter (actually the police helicopter) land in the field right next to our apt block, I think there was a show and tell or something going on. I took a couple of pictures, but sadly they are crap so I won't even bother posting them.
Had some lunch and caught up on some washing, and now just waiting for Aloma to show up in the next hour or so. She is catching the bus over and wants to pop into some stores on the way to the apt, at least it is a bit cooler to walk that yesterday afternoon.
Tonight we are going to go to Parthanon a Greek restaurant just down the road from us, Roanna & I went there a while back and it was very good. We figure a platter for two may take care of all three of us. Maybe an appi' of something that is on the plate as well. I'll try to remember to take the camera with us to get some snaps.
Work is going well, but they have just sprung on us the ol' switch our supervisor, actually ALL the supervisors are getting rotated into another department, so far two supervisors don't like where they are going......go figure.
So next week should be a fun week of "ADJUSTMENT" for everyone, I got a couple of more weeks before I can get my shoe purchase cash back, so I'll at least try to stick it out til then. as much as I like the job and work, I really don't want to work more than the minimum amount of hours for minimum pay.... so now it is back to scanning the want adds "just in case".

Any hoo, dinner tonight out,
Friday night was supposed to be in the garden, but with the chill and the weather, it may be indoors.

Take care all

Monday, May 22, 2006


Monday Afternoon

Hi all, well we are back from out walk / lunch at Fish Creek Park. It has been a nice warm day, with a few clouds so it wasn't that bad. We walked around the trails for a while, then backtracked to a table, where we set up lunch and had a relaxing out door picnic. The park still shows quite a bit of damage from last years floods, and some of the trails were closed off for hiking. We saw more bikers than walkers during our trek, and even ran accross three deer on the trails.
Aloma will be heading off to the Leighton Center tomorrow with Madeline and Shella to drop off some art work for an upcoming "clothes line sale". Mom should come back with some more pictures, because that area is very pretty.

Well enjoy the pics everyone, and hope you had a great long weekend.



Here we are enjoying lunch made by Aloma and Madaline that morning. This little area had bench seats and fire pits for picnics and such.  Posted by Picasa


Here is the shot of the map board we were in the top left area third line from the left. Cobb Creek (I think). Posted by Picasa


During our walk we saw three dear, two White tailed does and a fawn, this is the fawn. Posted by Picasa


The creek was very low at this time of the year, a few more weeks and it will swell from the winter runoff (hopefully not as much as last year!!) Posted by Picasa


Walking through Fish Creek Park Posted by Picasa


Victoria Day

Happy Victoria Day!!
Well we had our celebration on the balcony yestersday, relaxing in the sun, thankfully it wasn't as hot as last Thursday and Friday!! Munchies, dinner, looked at photo's, Aloma has her first two rolls done, so they were developed and put on disk, I was able to copy the disk over to the computer, so enjoy a few of her Banff photos.
We are off to Fish Creek park for a walk and a picnic, so we should have some more photos of everyone at the park soon.

Take care,



Mom helping herself to desert, first time she EVER had Rubarb, this was actually a Rubarb and Strawberry tart, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. I think Aloma has mentioned the word DIET a few times after this trip over!!! Posted by Picasa


Burgers on the grill, Roanna made them last week and they were GOOD! Posted by Picasa


Yesterday was spent on the balcony. Posted by Picasa


Front of the house where my In-laws live, and where Aloma is staying (about 15 min drive away). Posted by Picasa


This photo is for Aloma's niece, she has a cow thing.... Posted by Picasa


Water fall seen from a walking tour my Mom did in Banff Posted by Picasa


Mom on tour in Banff, these are goats. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Odd story from a few years back

Well nothing much else happened today, work, home, shower, pick up moms, shop for clothes, lunch at Montana's, drop off Moms, more shopping, home. But....

I was thinking a few days back about a product that came out, over ten years ago with quite a few uses. I don't remember the name, but it was a crystal, that could absorb something like 1000 times it's weight in water, the crystal would look kinda like a clear clingy type of jello and even more interesting it would not give up this water. I saw this on some science show or CNN years back.
Some time later I was at a bar in Disney World's Pleasure island, and I watched a magic trick performed in front of me by a bartender.
He took a paper cup, and told me to watch it carefully, he then pored in about a 1/2 cup of water and asked me "where was the water?" Well I pointed at the cup, and said "it's there." He asked me "are you sure?". "yep" I answered. Then he picked up the cup and flung the open end at me. I tried to duck out of the way... But no water came out. Pretty neat trick. I noticed that when he drop the cup into the trash can that there was a heavyish "thunk" when the cup hit the bottom.
A few days later I ended up in a magic shop and had the same product demonstrated to my, the owner of the shop was telling me about these crystals that could absorb water. There I put 2 & 2 together and figured that this was that product I saw on that science show a while back. Pretty neat.
Well some time later one of those diapers companies came out with a new "leak proof" diaper, I can't remember which company. Again I figured, well this must be another use of these crystals.
A year or two later I read in a Fire magazine, that an small American town, somewhere on the east coast had a hazmat problem. From nowhere, a large pile of white trash appeared with a very high level of amonia smell coming off of it. People were a bit confused what this pile of trash was, and even more stumped where it came from. It just appeared overnight. Well once again I figured that this was another byproduct of these crystals, now in diapers, totally absorbing the urine. Never did find out where they disposed of that.

Well, thats about it.... just a bunch of strange facts and occurances that I happened to have (or noticed).

Have a great weekend.


Friday, May 19, 2006


Friday Afternoon

Hi all,
Well the end of the week is here, for me I have two more days to go before MY long weekend happens!! I get tuesdays and wednesdays off, so my long weekend is out of sinc with everyone else. Walking around yesterday and today you see people with thier campers connected to thier trucks ready to head out to the "VAST CA-NAH-JIN WILDERNESS" for a few days of camping. As a radio ad stated this is Canada's 1st long weekend (and officially it ain't even summer yet). With the great weather we are having, who would't go camping, sadly we are staying put, though we will be having a little patio cookout either Sunday or Monday. Honestly it stays cooler than the last two days that went buy. It gets pretty warm in the aparment in the late afternoon, with nothing but warm air to circulate through the rooms for a breeze. The cats would take about 4 steps then flop out on the carpet for about ten minutes before they moved again.

I hope that everyone enjoys the latest uploads of pictures, nothing to special, on sunday I should be able to post any of Mom's Banff pictures if she would let me, I dropped off her film this morning at my job. I has been a LONG while since I have dropped off FILM!!!

I anyone reads my comments, Dave made a strange comment about the Gulf War and uniforms, for anyone not in the know. We had a fellow (translation: IDIOT) at work who's opinion was that the Gulf War was started by the company that manufactures Military clothing. Apparently there was a surplus in desert camoflague gear, so that dictateded the need to sell this gear to the US armed forces. Needless to say this made for some amusing long nights at the old Fire Dept. Though I hear that there has been a recent discovery of surplus Artic gear found, so I guess an invasion of Anartica will be put into plan soon!! (As an inside joke to any regular blog readers, I am strangely starting to smell that old smell of stupidity right now.)

Any hoo, for an update on Mom, she should be running through China Town right now, and honestly if she doesn't slow down she'll run right through it. It is only about two blocks by three blocks big!!! Tomorrow Roanna will take her to do some more shopping to pick up some clothes, being a long weekend there should be PLENTY of sales going on this weekend.

Well, might as well enjoy the sun for a bit longer, eveyone take care and have a great weekend.



All the "happy workers" at lunch time in the break room ...well 10 o'clock actually, in the right foreground, they were raising some money for the social club by selling hot beef sandwiches and baked goods. Posted by Picasa


Mom getting a bit hungry!! I don't know why I blinked. Posted by Picasa


Brushing on some BBQ sauce on last nights dinner, smoked chicken. Posted by Picasa


Everyone has such interesting gardens, this is a close up of some rocks surrounding a tree. Posted by Picasa


Close up of tree bark on the way home Posted by Picasa


Veggies from the night before, I thought the colors went nicely together. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Wednesday Morning

Hi all,
Not much happening here in the last two days, Mom is coming back from Banff in a few hours so I have to go pick her up. Have a chat with her on the way home and from that pick up some dinner fixes so I can grill tonight. Today and yesterday we are having record breaking weather, 30 C, so it is pretty warm. Last night Roanna & I sat out on the balcony and had dinner and played a few games. We were out there until about 9ish, then came in to watch a bit of the boob tube.
I read an interesting article during breakfast, they were talking about how employers are now using search engines on potential employee's. So in a nutshell they were saying becarefull what you blog or post in your website, because basically this could come back and bite you on the butt. They had the usual spectrum of interviewie's one who didn't care what a company did, and the other who had a page, who restricted all but his close friends to his site.

This kinda makes me think, if you want to know this info, why not ask, of course it does work both ways these days, who doesn't google or yahoo search a potential company. Though you must admit you would probably not find a picture of uppermanagement dancing naked on the table at last years christmas party on the corporate website. Neither would you find any negative company information on that site to.

I think the next job interview I get, I have come to one conclusion. I want to look the interviewer square in the eye, and ask "Does your management team every use this type of sentence during staff meetings... We are not the highest paying company but we take care of our employees."

Any how, there are a few confusing thoughts from me.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Beautiful spring colors are starting to pop up everywhere now!! Posted by Picasa


Here is a robin at the birdbath in the garden. This may even be the robin that has built a nest on the house. She is pretty aggresive towards any other bird that comes nearby. Posted by Picasa


Here is Mom & Roanna sorting through some jewelry. Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 15, 2006


Monday Afternoon

Hi all,
Hope all the Mom's out there had a great Mother's Day yesterday. I think that both our moms did in Calgary.
My Mom arrived on Saturday, we dropped her off at the in-laws and then went home to bed. Sunday I went work and was picked up by Roanna, did some shopping came home and boiled up some corn. Roanna made a marinade for the asparagus we had then in was off to be for a quick nap. We arrived at the in-laws home at around 330ish, chatted and sat in the garden and gave our moms gifts.
A little later we were joined by Richard and Kim, then they warmed up/preped up and cooked dinner. I had made an interesting sausage/potato salad, and of course the corn, Richard cooked the asparagus on the grill (and also the steaks). So both moms had to just sit back and relax (and me as well!! That's called good pre-preparation!!).
I also wandered around and took some photos, and got some pretty good ones of a robin that has a nest in the back garden. All in all it was a very nice (but sometimes chilly) day.
Today my Mom picked up some shoping stuff, and was dropped off at the apartment, then I drove her to the bus depot, so she could catch the bus to Banff. Hopefully by now, she should be checked into the hotel in Banff now, she took a few roles of film so (hopefully) we should have some pictures up on the blog by the end of the week.
As for me, same ol' same ol'. Catching up with all the news from home, Hi to everyone!! Roanna & I do miss Bermuda on occasion (read when it's snowing and colder than a witch's you know what outside).

I went to the mall today, finally picked up a new pair of sneakers. I had two pair, on had a air pillowy type "reflextive action" type doflicky on the heel, well that picked up a flat last year, my other pair with all the walking happening lately has slowly disintergrated, I had about 2/3 left on my left sole!! Picked up a couple of cheap movies, and a book on massage tips and tricks. It was also kinda funny to see the Father's Day banners up and flying in the stores already.....
Aside from that have a great day.


Sunday, May 14, 2006


Here's Roanna & her Mom, each of our Moms got roses. Posted by Picasa


Here's my Mom & Me today on Mothers Day.. After a nice dinner cooked by the kids. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Wednesday Afternoon

Hi all, not much happened today. Washed some sheets and that was about it, wandered around yesterday picked up a few supplied for dinner. I ended up smoking a chicken on the BBQ for a few hours, with some potatos and some asparagus for dinner. We ended up in front of the TV and ordered the movie The Corpse Bride on pay-per-view, it was pretty good. Then off to bed, Roanna hasn't gotten over her cold from before last weekend, so she came home and took some of the cold medicine before going to bed.
Today was really a pretty restfull day, I am outside on the porch right now, typing on my laptop, ah technology, wireless allows you to go anywhere and blog (or stay connected) I promise though no blogging from the bathroom. Though I guess you could call it a bog blog....
Tomorrow is back to work, and probably get ready for the arrival of my Mom on Saturday night. Sunday we will be having a dinner at the in-laws, then Mom is off to Banff for a few days by herself. I haven't seen the weather report for the next week or so, though it seems to be warming up, yesterday they were expecting snow, it was pretty chilly, but the sun was out so it was a bit warm in the sun and chilly in the shade.
So far today I have sat around in front of the boob tube and watched reruns of the E3 that they have been showing on G4 Tech TV. Obviously a big thing, I open up the paper today and click on CNN to see clips and articles about the "next Gen" game consoles and games. It's pretty mind boggling to think that the gaming industry made 10 billion last year, and that for them that was a bit disapointing!!
Ah, well, it looks like it would be fun to run around that convention. I wanted to go to the comiccon last Sunday, I was just to exhausted to even think about going. Maybe next time. Last summer they had a convention in Calgary for Sci Fi, I did not go, though I would love to go to one this year if they have it, unfortunately I haven't seen any thing about one this summer.

Well guess I'll sign off for now, and yes Lost, those shorts probalby shouldn't have come out until May 24th, though like I said, 24 hours before, they would have been PERFECT for the weather we had!!!!

Keep it safe.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Maxine in her....umm OUR new chair, we have two the same. Posted by Picasa


Happy Cinco De Mayo, The hat we got from Chevy's Tex Mex in Florida on our Honeymoon. Posted by Picasa

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