Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Morning Suprise!

Got up early this morning to take Roanna to work in the car and move the recycle stuff to the depot. Went to take out the garbage, and saw a deer in the complex, it was pretty cool, ran to tell Roanna and get the camera to take pictures of it, then threw out the trash. It kinda spooked it and it moved over to the next house where there was another deer, so I snapped two more photos of them together. They look so pretty, Roanna saids that they can be a bit distructive in yards eating grass and other things. (Someone actually scared them away eventually), when we were driving out, one was in a yard across from where they were before. Pretty cool.
Things are fine, haven't heard from the immigrations, tried to track my papers on line but no dice, trying to navigate through the call in center automation thing is a horrible task. Hopefully I will try again.
I think we need to go back to the old days where you had the banks of telephone women (or men) at those big consoles with the large headphones and mikes plugging into the switch boards. Nowdays it's either a computer or some one in another country 5000 miles away from you. Well hopefully there is something in the mail today.
The weather is supposed to be really sunny this week, so maybe a wonder around FishCreek, or if I am brave enough, a roller blade.

Hope everyone is okay.

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