Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Rain All Week

What great weather we are having here, it probably makes up for the mild winter we had. At least I don't have to water the plants though, if they last that long, something is digginf through the soil to get at some seeds that I planted in the planter. I guess it is one of the "cute" squirels that run around the complex.
Other than that, I have joined another blog at another site, cause my Aunt and Uncle are there two, I will link if from my website soon. I have updated that as well, but am having a few problems with photo's from the Alaska cruise, I'll have to check the size of the site, though I thought we had lots and lots of room.
Not much today, just gonna make some coffee and read the paper. We have a busy weekend this week with dinners and parties and such.
Everyone stay safe.


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