Saturday, January 07, 2006


Hi Again All

Sorry about no updating...
As usual it has been a quiet week, keeping my head low and indoors.
Been sitting down reading the newspapers, shaking my head, and wondering maybe I should have waited before coming up here.
The loving headlines today, housing for a single family home now up at $300,000 which is getting up there now. So by the time we are ready to get a home, I'm sure the ol' prices will be up another 10%.
Let's see other than me, Roanna is enjoying learning her new job she will be doing, since she basically gets her boss's job, while she is on maternity leave. Learning new stuff is pretty fun since it takes the monotony out of jobs.....
Other than that, this weekend is pretty free, so hopefully I remember to take our camera with us, maybe bore everyone with weekend shots.

Take care.

do not say that to loud, all the " I told you so's" will be burning in your ears.
BUT!!! no way in hell should what you are trying to do take so bloody long. I would have given up after the first 6 or 7 months especially when you see everyone else come in and do as they please......
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