Monday, April 16, 2007


Monday Afternoon

Hi all,

Well apparently the baby is settled in, we went to the doctors this morning, no news, so we have an appointment for next week for another visit.
The baby (the computer figures from the ultrasound, is 3.6), so from tomorrow, we have 1 week plus four days to wait to see if Roanna goes into birth naturally.
So next week we have an ultrasound again (within the first seven days from tomorrow) the doctors visit, and still if nothing an ultrasound again on the 27th. Then the 28th, they will induce if needed, hopefully it doesn't come to that, there is a greater chance of a C-section if they induce, than if Roanna goes into birth naturally.

So lots of resting for the next while I guess. We did pizza last night, & root beer, tonight we do pasta. Then start tackling the rest of the old wive's tales.

Anyhoo, i'll keep everyone posted, have a great week.

Ian & Roanna

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