Thursday, April 26, 2007


Thursday Night

Hi all
well in an hour and a half, Elizabeth and Roanna will have been home for 24 hours. Not much sleep, lotsa feeding. Today Madeline came by to help with looking after and tidying up, I went out to get some more baby supplies and some foodstuffs, we had some tasty sandwiches that Madeline made, and then was visited by the Nurse, who came and talked to us and get vitals from Roanna and Elizabeth.
Good news for everyone as all is well, Elizabeth even managed to gain some weight now, she left the hospital at 7lbs 11 ounces, and weighed in at 7lbs 15 ounces 15 hours later. Roanna is expressing like crazy and producing milk, so we threw away the formula, and are now feeding her the breast milk via a bottle. The Nurse has left us a feeding schedual, so we are feeding her at 2 hour intervals. We also got more help on the breast feeding, and it was found that Roanna is engorged right now, (pumping every three hours trying to get a softer feeding spot) and Elizabeth apparently is not using her tonge correctly, apparently some kids tend to suck tounges in the womb, when they come out and attempt to latch on, they don't use thier tounges correctly to stimulate the breast and get the milk they need.

Hopefully by tomorrow we will be able to get a handle on all this. Lastly, since we are talking baby stuff, Elizabeth had her poo now, we have been waiting for over a day for her to have one, so that makes us a bit more happier. It is one of the things they look for when you are breastfeeding your baby poos & pees.

I shall try to rectify the photo updates, just need a bit of time to figure out what to do, busy schedual and all that.

Between the 7 o'clock feeding, the changing, and baking chicken for dinner (since I was up and Roanna had Elizabeth). Free time is now a thing of the past........

Everyone have a great day. Thanks for all the calls, e-mails and support, and we appologize in advance if we cannot return any calls for a bit.

Ian, Roanna & Elizabeth

hi all,
sounds like everyone is settling in nicely. Roanna you took to feeding like a duck to water! I wasn't so lucky I tried but I think I was too nervous to make it work and Amanda ended up on the bottle. Ian you have the lingo down pat! My love to little Elizabeth and hugs xoxoxoxoxo
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